As part of “Artefact 2018: This Rare Earth – Stories from Below”, which is the largest arts festival in Flanders, a group of organisations (STUK, SIM² KU Leuven, KU Leuven Dienst Cultuur, i-Cleantech Vlaanderen, STUK, EIT RawMaterials) has joined forces to offer a unique, one-day symposium in Leuven on the Social License to Operate with respect to the primary mining and recycling of critical metals. The Symposium is intended for a diversity of audiences, ranging from civil society, academia, industry and policy makers (max. 300 participants) and will host a variety of national and international speakers. The Symposium will offer the participants the opportunity to also experience the unique, rare-earth related artwork that will be exhibited.
For more information, registration and agenda, visit the official webpage.