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Rare Earth recycling for Europe

Mar 15 2025

REE4EU’s Market Analysis Report now available!

The REE4EU project is continuously exploring the potential of circular economy implementation to drive new, profitable business with a European focus.

As of today, REE4EU’s Market Analysis Report (Deliverable 9.4) is freely available to all the project stakeholders. Leveraging on the findings of the European Rare Earths Competency Network (ERECON), this document previews the European market of secondary rare earths present in certain End of Life products which are likely to become the feedstock of future large-scale REE recovery.

For these promising “urban mines” i.e. offshore wind turbines, hard disk drives, electric cycles and vehicles, etc., PNO with key partners of the REE4EU project  carried out an extensive literature review complemented with interviews to shed light on the feasibility and current bottlenecks preventing their future use in REE recovery ventures.

Readers can directly draw useful insights pertinent to future REE recycling such as forecasted material stocks, economic and technical viability of producing secondary REE, legislation associated with collection at EU level, etc. By comparatively assessing the hurdles and levers underpinning the use of the different EoL products as potential REE sources, the Market Analysis report opts to support future investors, industrial stakeholders and policy makers to plan for a future-proof REE supply chain for Europe.

To have access to this very interesting report, please register to the project website here and download the report from the page Public documents.