News and events

Rare Earth recycling for Europe

Mar 14 2025

REE4EU progress meeting in Viviez

On 10th October, the REE4EU partners were hosted by SNAM, in Viviez. The consortium had the great opportunity to visit their premises: this French company is one of the leading European keyplayer in the field of collecting and recycling batteries and it is strongly taking part in the REE4EU activities.

For their M36 Progress Meeting, the partners proudly announced that the REE4EU’s high temperature electrolysis (HTE) pilot unit is successfully in continuous operation and this is indeed an effective case of how the project transferred knowledge from lab to run a real pilot plant. Elkem and SINTEF teams are very satisfied with these major technical achievements after three years of hard work, and the whole consortium hopes this represents the first milestone towards the future industrial production of rare earth alloys in Europe: being able to really close the loop in permanent magnets’ recycling. For further information about the REE4EU project, please visit