News and events

Rare Earth recycling for Europe
Sep 01 2017

REE4EU project at the 9th ICEEM edition – 7 September, Bologna (Italy)

On September, 7 (12-12:15 CET), REE4EU project will be presented at the 9th edition of The International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management (ICEEM) during the “Parallel Session 1.4: Sustainable waste management and exploitation for chemicals, materials and energy recovery”. Dr [...]

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Jun 22 2017


Ana Maria Martinez (SINTEF) had an interview about the REE4EU project for the IMPACT magazine. She shared how the work done in the framework of REE4EU will improve the availability of rare earth elements in [...]

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Jun 19 2017

ECOMONDO, 7-10 November 2017 – Rimini, Italy

Ecomondo is the ideal place to meet Green and Circular Economy operators, strike new business deals, generate value and acquire new customers. The conference will be the place where businesses can meet competitors in complementary [...]

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