News and events

Rare Earth recycling for Europe
Jan 24 2018

REE4EU selected for the EU Industry Days 2019

REE4EU has been selected to partecipate in the EU Industry Days, which will take place in Brussels (Belgium) on 5 and 6 February 2019. The exhibition will showcase more than 30 innovative projects co-funded by [...]

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Nov 16 2017

EcoWASTE Exhibition 2017, 15-18 January 2018 – Abu Dhabi, UAE

EcoWASTE Exhibition is a leading international platform for advancing sustainable waste management and recycling. It brings together policymakers, technologists and business leaders from across the waste management supply chain. The exhibition provides businesses with an [...]

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Nov 03 2017

REE4EU’s Market Analysis Report now available!

The REE4EU project is continuously exploring the potential of circular economy implementation to drive new, profitable business with a European focus. As of today, REE4EU’s Market Analysis Report (Deliverable 9.4) is freely available to all [...]

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Nov 02 2017

REE4EU Midterm meeting in Brussels

On Monday 18th September, the coordinator, Ana Maria Martinez (SINTEF), welcomed all the REE4EU consortium to the M24 Progress Meeting which coincided with midterm. Especially the project officer  from the EU Commission, Dr. Istvan Ritz [...]

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